Charity Spotlight!


Babies grow so fast and sometimes it is hard to keep up with the ever-changing diaper sizes. Have you ever wondered what to do with the diapers that your babies have outgrown? I know I couldn’t bring myself to throw them away because they are so crazy expensive and because I always thought I could give them to a friend with younger babies.  I would always forget to ask, of course, so they would just sit in my baby’s closet alone and forgotten. But that is about to change.  Not only can your unused diapers find a new home, they can help save the world! Well, maybe not the world, but they can help a family or a baby in need.

The Austin Diaper Bank is an amazing organization that takes unused diapers and donations for families and babies that are in desperate need for them. Now why hadn’t anyone thought of this before? Beverly Hamilton is the founder/president of the organization and was nice enough to give me some more information about this great charity.

Did you know that assistance programs like WIC or food stamps don’t cover diapers? I had no idea! According to Beverly, “A recent study equated diaper need stress to that of not having enough food. Further, 1 in 12 mothers reported leaving their baby in a soiled diaper longer than necessary (‘stretching’) due to limited resources. I founded the diaper bank because I feel no parent or baby in Central Texas should have to go through that.” How awful for mothers to feel they do not have a choice and worse yet, how awful for babies to have to wear soiled diapers for long periods of time because they have no alternative! I’d like to say kudos to you, Beverly, for taking a stand to change this.

The bank makes sure that those in poverty and other crisis situations (babies, disabled/delayed older children and senior citizens) get the diapers they need. They work with so many different organizations to make sure every baby in need is covered (pun intended). Some of those organizations are Helping Hand Home for Children, Asian Family Support Services of Austin, Hope Alliance, Settlement Home, and Partnership for Children. They also take individual request from families that contact them directly.

How can you help?

  1. Give diapers
  2. Give dollars (rent costs money and we can get way more diapers wholesale than buying at Costco.
  3. Host a diaper drive at your church, work, club, or group and have fun with it!
  4. Raise awareness, spread the word. Share, Like on Facebook/Twitter and tell your mom friends!, @austindiapers

Here are some moving testimonials that show what a great impact this organization has. Makes me want to buy extra diapers!

I am so grateful for the Diaper Bank donations. It is great to be able to take any    additional burdens off of our foster families and diapers are such a high need. So many times we have emergency placements where children come in and they just have nothing but the clothes/diaper they are wearing. If a donation of diapers saves them a trip to the store so they are available instead to spend time with the child/children in their home making sure they feel safe and secure; that is a real gift. Thank you so much.-Case worker from Helping Hand Home for Children

Though one client is still living with her natal family, she has been effectively ostracized by her cultural community for divorcing the man who assaulted and married her. While she recovers from the birth of her child, pursues divorce, looks for work and prepares for GED, one young client has greatly benefited from the promise of a regular diaper resource. Her previous income was, and her future income will be, earmarked for the family’s rent. She is incredibly grateful to the Austin Diaper Bank for allowing her to depend on a steady, clean source of diapers for her young son while she attempts to balance all of the other demands of her new life in the United States.-From Program Director of Asian Family Support Services of Austin

One of our recent shelter clients, Clara, had recently fled from a violent boyfriend who was also the head of the household. Daycare would not supply the pull-ups or diapers that her son needed during the day. Mom had no money, no financial options and thought she was going to have to pull her son from daycare all because she was not able to supply them diapers. When she got back to the shelter she was panicked, but when we told her that we could give her a couple cases to get her started, she was more than relieved. Clara was able to take a couple cases to daycare as well as keep a case for her at home. Clara and her son were able to move-in with Clara’s mom, and Clara is enjoying the new freedom of having a job and finding her “purpose” again. – From Hope Alliance

Because of your organization, I was able to provide enough diapers for the entire stay of an emergency foster placement for two infants. They were in the home for only a week, but it was nice to be able to take the burden of also purchasing diapers in the chaos of everything else that was happening. – Settlement Home

Last week, we had a caseworker visit our Rainbow Room at 2:00 a.m. after an emergency removal of an infant from a Meth home. She stopped by the Rainbow Room to grab some diapers and clothing for the infant: when you are removed from a Meth home, you can’t leave with a stitch of clothing on, not even a diaper. The Diaper Bank allows us to, not only, provide diapers in emergency situations, but also to help out families that are struggling to keep their family together.- From Partnerships for Children

Let’s help some deserving families worry about one less thing. Please donate what you can to the Austin Diaper Bank.  If you would like more information about the organization and how to help, please contact Beverly Hamilton at or call her at 512-922-2602. You can also contact the Austin Diaper Bank via their website at And don’t forget to like them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest.

If you are not in the Austin area, don’t fret. Please go to to see where the closest one to you is.

Thanks for taking time to read this. Do you have any charities you would like to get the word out on? 

I am compiling a list of little known national and Austin based charities for the Austin Moms Blog and can use your help. Please send me any information.  I’d love to learn more about what you support. Thanks again and Happy Days for all!


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